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Phoneme Reference

An official phoneme reference with examples can also be found on the Dreamtonics Website.

aa   vowel       p[a]lm
ae   vowel       b[a]t
ah   vowel       b[u]t
ao   vowel       b[ough]t
aw   diphthong   ab[ou]t
ax   vowel       rent[a]l
ay   diphthong   b[i]te
b    stop        [b]uy
ch   affricate   [ch]ina
d    stop        [d]ie
dx   stop        bu[tt]er
dr   affricate   [dr]ive
dh   fricative   [th]e
eh   vowel       b[e]t
er   vowel       b[ir]d
ey   diphthong   h[ey]
f    fricative   [f]ight
g    stop        [g]uy
hh   aspirate    [h]igh
ih   vowel       b[i]t
iy   vowel       b[ea]t
jh   affricate   [j]ust
k    stop        [k]ite
l    liquid      [l]ie
m    nasal       [m]y
n    nasal       [n]ose
ng   nasal       si[ng]
ow   diphthong   b[oa]t
oy   diphthong   b[oy]
p    stop        [p]ie
r    semivowel   [r]isk
s    fricative   [s]ay
sh   fricative   [sh]y
t    stop        [t]ie
tr   affricate   [tr]ee
th   fricative   [th]ing
uh   vowel       b[oo]k
uw   vowel       b[oo]t
v    fricative   [v]ote
w    semivowel   [w]ise
y    semivowel   [y]es
z    fricative   [z]oo
zh   fricative   mea[s]ure
cl   stop
pau  silence
sil  silence
br   breath
a    vowel
i    vowel
u    vowel
e    vowel
o    vowel
N    vowel
cl   stop
t    stop
d    stop
s    fricative
sh   fricative
j    affricate
z    affricate
ts   affricate
k    stop
g    stop
h    aspirate
b    stop
p    stop
f    fricative
ch   affricate
ry   liquid
ky   stop
py   stop
dy   stop
ty   stop
ny   nasal
hy   aspirate
my   nasal
gy   stop
by   stop
n    nasal
m    nasal
r    liquid
w    semivowel
v    semivowel
y    semivowel
pau  silence
sil  silence
br   breath
a    vowel
A    vowel
o    vowel
@    vowel
e    vowel
7    vowel
U    vowel
u    vowel
i    vowel
i\   vowel
i`   vowel
y    vowel
AU   diphthong
@U   diphthong
ia   diphthong
iA   diphthong
iAU  diphthong
ie   diphthong
iE   diphthong
iU   diphthong
i@U  diphthong
y{   diphthong
yE   diphthong
ua   diphthong
uA   diphthong
u@   diphthong
ue   diphthong
uo   diphthong
:\i  coda
r\`  coda
:n   coda
N    coda
p    stop
ph   stop
t    stop
th   stop
k    stop
kh   stop
ts\  affricate
ts   affricate
tsh  affricate
ts`  affricate
ts`h affricate
x    aspirate
f    fricative
s    fricative
s`   fricative
ts\h fricative
s\   fricative
m    nasal
n    nasal
l    liquid
z`   semivowel
w    semivowel
j    semivowel
pau  silence
sil  silence
br   breath
ts   affricate
tsh  affricate
f    fricative
h    fricative
s    fricative
l    liquid
m    nasal
n    nasal
N    nasal
w    semivowel
j    semivowel
p    stop
ph   stop
t    stop
th   stop
k    stop
kh   stop
kw   stop
kwh  stop
a    vowel
6    vowel
E    vowel
e    vowel
i    vowel
I    vowel
O    vowel
o    vowel
u    vowel
U    vowel
9    vowel
8    vowel
y    vowel
m=   vowel
N=   vowel
:i   coda
:u   coda
:m   coda
:n   coda
:N   coda
:p_} coda
:t_} coda
:k_} coda
pau  silence
sil  silence
br   breath
a    vowel
e    vowel
i    vowel
o    vowel
u    vowel
U    semivowel
I    semivowel
y    semivowel
ll   semivowel
b    stop
B    stop
d    stop
D    stop
g    stop
k    stop
p    stop
t    stop
l    liquid
rr   liquid
r    liquid
m    nasal
n    nasal
N    nasal
J    nasal
f    fricative
s    fricative
C    fricative
sh   fricative
ch   affricate
x    fricative
cl   stop
pau  silence
sil  silence
br   breath

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