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Dreamtonics has released a comprehensive official user manual along with version 1.11.0 of Synthesizer V Studio; this unofficial manual will no longer be maintained. Please visit the Official User Manual for all future updates and information.

The Side Panels in Detail

This page covers any information about the side panels that does not fit on a different page, or links to the appropriate page for the relevant feature.

The Voice Panel

Singer Selection

Current Database
See Singer Selection
Load/Save Presets
Allows saving the current Voice panel settings as a preset. This includes Vocal Modes, default parameter values, and default transition/vibrato settings.
Voice presets are specific to the voice database, so to use a preset for a different singer you must first select the original singer the preset was saved for, load the preset, and then switch to the desired other singer.
Voice Presets


Sing in the following language
See Editing Phonemes → Cross-lingual Synthesis
Use relaxed consonants
Uses phoneme conversion rules more suited to American English.

Vocal Mode

See Vocal Modes


See Editing Parameters → Base Values


Pitch Shift
Allows pitch-shifting of the current track/group by up to 50 cents in either direction.
Key Shift
Allows pitch-shifting of the current track/group by up to one octave in either direction.

Synthesis Engine

Render Mode
"Prefer Speed" will render faster at the cost of quality, resulting in more noise and synthesis artifacts. "Lite" version voice databases are restricted to this setting.
"Prefer Quality" will render the full-quality audio output, but may perform slower on some devices.

Defaults - Sing Mode

See Pitch Mode: Sing

Defaults - Manual Mode

See Manual Pitch Mode

The AI Retakes Panel

See AI Retakes

The Note Properties Panel

Selects the previous/next note in the current track/group.


Sing in the following language
See Editing Phonemes → Cross-lingual Synthesis

Pitch Mode

See Pitch Mode: Sing, Pitch Mode: Rap, and Manual Pitch Mode

Additional options will be displayed based on the pitch mode selected.

Timing and Phonemes

Note Offset
See Note and Phoneme Timing
See Editing Phonemes
See Note and Phoneme Timing → Phoneme Timing for the sliders, or Alternate Phonemes and Phoneme Strength for the buttons to the right of the sliders.
See Alternate Phonemes and Phoneme Strength → Phoneme Strength

Expression Group

See Expression Groups

The Library Panel

See Groups

The Dictionary Panel

See User Dictionaries

The Render Panel

See Saving the Audio

The License and Updates Panel

See Setup and Activation

The Settings Panel


Interface Language
The language displayed in the Synthesizer V Studio user interface. More translation files can be downloaded from the official Dreamtonics GitHub repository.
Interface Scaling
Increases or decreases the size of all visual elements within the application.
Use OpenGL for UI graphics
Use OpenGL for better performance while rendering UI elements. May cause compatibility issues on some platforms.
Show Status Bar
See The Workspace → The Status Bar
Automatically check for updates
Will check for updates to Synthesizer V Studio and any installed voice databases on startup.
Configure usage data collection
Displays the Telemetry Consent dialog.


When standalone, contains options relating to your device's audio hardware.

When used as a plugin, indicates how the output channels will be sent to the DAW (see DAW Integration → Output Channels).

MIDI Input Device
See MIDI Controller Support
Master Gain
Increase or decrease the volume of all audio generated by Synthesizer V Studio (-12dB to +6dB).


Follow playheads during playback
Whether to move the viewport when the playhead moves out of view during playback.
Overlap-less note resizing
If resizing a note would cause it to overlap with its neighbor, also resize the neighboring note to prevent any overlap.
Show animated rendering status
Highlight the waveform below each note to indicate rendering progress.
Show character image (if found)
Displays the character or brand image for a voice database in the piano roll, if one exists. The image used is based on the background.png file in the voice database's installation directory.
Image Transparency
Set the opacity of the character or brand image for the current voice database, if "Show character image" is enabled.
Horizontal Navigation, Horizontal Zooming, and Vertical Navigation
See The Workspace → Workspace Navigation
2D mouse wheel for scrolling
Enable compatibility for mouse wheels that have a side-click function.
Default Pasting Behavior
Indicates whether copied notes or parameter points should be pasted based on the playhead position or the viewport scroll position.
Note Default Lyrics
The default lyric for new notes created in the piano roll.
Note Default Pitch Mode
The default pitch mode for new notes created in the piano roll.
Parameter Options
See Editing Parameters → Additional Functions


See MIDI Controller Support → Recording Options


Background Threads
The maximum number of concurrent threads to be used during live rendering.

Pro Feature - Synthezier V Studio Basic is limited to 2 background rendering threads.

Playback Buffer Size and Engine Sample Rate
Audio settings for the live rendering engine. Actual output will use the settings in the Audio section if standalone, or the DAW's audio settings if run as a plugin.
Final rendered output will use the settings in the Render panel (see Saving the Audio).
Power Management
Limits performance to conserve battery or reduce system load. "Max Performance" will result in the highest system load, but perform faster. "Power Save" will run slower but consume less battery and be less demanding on system hardware.


Allows a hotkey to be assigned to any option accessible via the top menus, or a script.

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